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Grow Hair Crazily In 1 Week || Health Care Solutions,

Hair loss is a dispute which influences tens of millions of humans inside the international. It isn?t always simply an aesthetical problem ? it is able to notably affect your vanity as well.

Grow Hair Crazily In 1 Week

The primary reasons for hair loss are poor nutrition, environmental pollution, flawed hair care, the use of products full of chemical compounds and genetics. for you to shield your hair from harm and hair loss, you want to start having a healthy food regimen, decrease the usage of hairdryers and iron, and forestall using the ones harmful hair merchandise we all have in our restroom.
In reference to the dangerous shampoos and other hair merchandise, there are many natural treatments that could help. The recipe we?ve got for you these days is tremendous-effective and can regrow your hair in handiest more than one months.

The method most effective cries for resolution and consistency ? start using it today and you?ll revel in wealthy hair once more! human beings who?ve attempted it have pronounced fantastic outcomes, so you may additionally need to strive it as well!
The treatment is easy to prepare in case you observe the instructions under ? when you start the usage of it, we assure you that the outcomes may be great rapidly. here?s what you need to do:


2 tablespoon of castor oil
1 egg yolk
1 tablespoon of honey


The method is simple ? just blend all the ingredients until you get a homogenous combination, then observe it in your hair and scalp and rub down it lightly.
Source: http://www.naturalhealingmagazine.com/my-sister-used-this-remedy-and-had-to-stop-as-it-made-her-hair-grow-like-crazy/
Now, positioned a shower cap on your head and allow the remedy paintings for 3 hours. Rinse your hair as normal in the end and repeat the manner twice every week to make your hair develop like loopy!


Boils are one of the most common skin disorders that everyone has encountered. Some of the most common places where we get affected by boils are the face, armpit, and throat. However, there are a few among us that have boils on our thighs and buttocks and this article shows us how to get rid of boils on inner thighs and buttocks

Blisters, boils, or ulcers usually stem from hair follicles that are inflamed. Another reason for the appearance of boils can be a hormonal disbalance or maybe even sweat retention.
Boils form when the skin ? to be more precise, a hair follicle or an oil gland in the skin ? get infected. In the initial stages of the infection you can only notice some redness, but after a few days (usually four to six) the spot becomes swollen, a tender lump develops and gets filled with white and yellowish pus. The common cause of lump under armpits and buttocks is a bacterium Staphylococcus aureus. Due to the accumulation of the pus, the skin under your thighs and buttock may fill painful. You should note that a boil is not an infection, but a symptom of an underlying health complication. Please visit your health care provider to get diagnosed to establish the actual cause of the boils.
Since these are so uncomfortable and are an often occurrence for so many people, we?ve compiled a list of eight remedies that are going to help you get rid of them!


Because of its antibacterial properties, tea tree oil is an excellent home remedy to cure a boil or cyst on your buttocks. Tea tree oil contains many compounds which kill off skin infections and help painful lesions heal naturally. You can also use tea tree oil if you have any kind of boil on your inner thigh. It is also an excellent remedy for treating acne, and for healing blind pimples quickly and naturally.


Garlic is often used for many things because it is antibacterial and also helps treat inflammations.


Vitamin A boosts your immunity and Vitamin E plays a key role in maintaining a healthy epidermis. Hence they can help you get rid of the boil. Cantaloupe, grapefruit, apricots, carrots, pumpkin, sweet potatoes, winter squash, spinach, and broccoli are great sources of Vitamin A. Spinach and broccoli are also a great source of Vitamin E, along with tree nuts (especially almonds and hazelnuts), olives, papaya, parsley, avocado, and kale. If you do not fancy consuming all these foods, then you can always turn to supplements.


Aloe vera is another natural ingredient that can help to get rid of the discomfort that a butt boil causes. Aloe vera is full of skin healing properties that can also help soothe irritated skin and reduce skin redness.


Onions have antibacterial qualities which make them the perfect candidates to put into use for treating boils. Take a piece of onion and place it right over the boil, you can even wrap it around with a clean cloth and repeat the ritual three to four times a week.


Epsom salt is an astringent, which can draw out the pus and associated impurities from your boil. Its antibacterial properties protect the area from secondary infections as well. There are a couple of ways you can use Epsom salt to treat your boils.


Castor oil is helpful for a boil in the same way that tea tree oil is, except it is gentler on the skin and can be applied on the boil in an undiluted form. Apply a few drops with the help of a cotton swab a few times during the course of the day until you get rid of the boil


Neem or divine tree has a long history of being used for an array of benefits. Using the leaves or the neem oil is good for use for when you?re struggling with boils, and other skin conditions.


Skin Whitening Facial Bleach To Get Brighter, Tighter, Youthful Skin

Skin-Whitening-Facial-Bleach-To-Get Brighter-Tighter-Youthful-Skin

This is an amazing home remedy which is a natural facial bleach that helps you whiten your skin easily at home. This bleach has no harmful chemicals and does wonder for your skin, it brightens and lightens your skin tone just within 15 days.

Skin-Whitening-Facial-Bleach-To-Get Brighter-Tighter-Youthful-Skin

Place the apple in a clean bowl and add the baking soda. Do not add more than 1 pinch of baking soda as it will dry your skin, or even burn and damage it.
Then, add the rest of the ingredients and mix them well. Store it in the fridge for 2-3 day and then use the natural bleach on your skin that you want to whiten, like legs, hands, and face. You can use it to remove tanning. Avoid the area around your eyes.
Apply it and let it act for 15 minutes. Use cold water to wash it off. Use it each day for a period of 15 days and after this, continue with its usage 2 times a week.


3 Sugar Scrubs for Beautiful Skin || Health Care Solutions

3 Sugar Scrubs for Beautiful Skin || Health Care Solutions

Scrubs are probably one of the most fun ways to take care of your beauty and hygiene. It?s so much fun to know what awesome things are going into the scrub and knowing how it will help your skin. They can also be colorful, and the smooth soft skin you have afterward just feels nice!

However, there are so many choices out there, and whenever I go on Pinterest or Google a good scrub idea, I find it hard to make a decision. So I thought I?d curate a list of five scrubs that you can try out and see which one you like best. Because small lists of awesome things are pretty cool.

DIY Blueberry Lemon Body ScrubBlueberry-lemon-scrub-31

When this one caught my eye, I thought two things. One: that color is pretty awesome. Two: blueberries have antioxidants in them.. that sounds great to my skin!
Created by Dear Crissy, this scrub includes coconut oil which has great moisturizing, cleansing, and anti-aging benefits for skin (you can buy coconut oil online, since that will save you from having to make a store run).
The blueberries have antioxidants in it which fight free radicals (this is something that causes skin aging ), and cancer cells. She also adds lemon extract which is great, especially if you have any scar tissue, as lemon is a natural bleacher and can lighten and even out your skin tone.

Click Here For Instructions 

DIY Chocolate Mint Sugar Scrub

I put cocoa powder in a lot of things; oatmeal, cake in a mug, coffee drinks, but I?ve never put it into a skincare product before. Which is why I was immediately drawn to this one.
It seems that coconut oil is one of the main ingredients in a lot of scrubs out there. And it makes sense, unlike other oils, it?s able to firm up in room temperature and make for a nice scrub texture (and it has tons of benefits as well I suppose).
Created by Jody Arsenault, this scrub includes cocoa powder (which helps to tighten skin, fight aging, and prevent breakouts), almond oil (which helps in the moisturizing and lightening skin, and contains Vitamin E which helps with anti-aging and healing), and peppermint (which helps calm and soothe your skin).

Click Here For Instructions 

DIY: Coconut Coffee Scrub

If you already have coconut oil, then that?s good, because you already have the main ingredient down for these first three scrubs. It seems like coconut oil is the key ingredient for a lot of scrubs out there (and I can?t blame the people who make them, the oil has some pretty awesome benefits).
Created by Bev Weidner, the coffee has awesome antioxidants in it (you know, the stuff that helps to prevent aging), as well as skin firming properties which help to give you a more youthful look (or keep it longer). So if you?re already into coffee (or a bit of an addict), then all you have to do is go to your kitchen, get some coffee, and start on that scrub!

Click Here For Instructions 



About 1/2 cup of used coffee grounds in it. So to build on that, I added 1/4 cup of sugar in the raw, to make it more exfoliation-y. Then I thought, ?OH YEAH, doo, bow, chick chicka chicka. I?ll add coconut oil!? But I melted it first, which is totally not necessary. So don?t do that part.
And you know what else? The second time I made it, I didn?t use the sugar, and it was totally the same! Maybe even better. Not quite as gravely. Not quite like you?re rolling around in parking-lot bar grit after too many frozen margs, with Kid Rock?s ?Cowboy? blaring from a broken window. Not that that?s happened to me.
So basically, goes like this: 1/2 cup of used coffee grounds + 1/4 cup coconut oil (straight from the jar, no melting.) Mix mix mix.
And you get this lovely lil? treat:::
Yaaas. It might look completely crazy to you, but I can?t get enough of it!
First of all, it SMELLS MARVELOUS. Coffee plus coconut, are you even kidding?
Second of all, it takes 15 seconds to pull together. You?re totally ready for spa day before you can say, ?totally ready for a spa day.?
Third of all, it?s free! (If you already have coconut oil, which obviously you do.)
Fourth of all, it?s saving the planet! You like saving the planet, don?t you? Yes.
Fifth of all, your.skin.will.be.so.soft.it?s.straight.ridic.
Sixth of all, how many songs did I reference in this post? Way, way too many.

Now for a couple of tips! If you have one of those non-slip sticky things in your tub, I?d highly advise taking it out before you use this scrub. Those grounds will get stuck under there so fast and you?ll be crying a river and forcing me into another song reference.
Second tip: I?m not so sure how safe it is for pregnant gals to use this, with the caffeine all busting up through your epidermis like that. So maybe use decaf grounds, just to be on the safe side, and so that I don?t get sued. I have to shave my legs today, and that?s already too much on my plate.
Okay, what else can I do with leftover coffee grounds? Because Lord knows I need another obsession. Ugh.
Get scrubby!

DIY Chocolate Mint Sugar Scrub

This DIY Chocolate Mint Sugar Scrub is a treat for your skin and your nose.  This recipe smells like those delicious and absolutely addicting Thin Mints chocolates and will yield 2 cups of sugar scrub!

DIY Chocolate Mint Sugar Scrub

Chocolate Mint Sugar Scrub
Author: Melissa M
Serves: 2 cups
How to Use: 1. Wet body and apply scrub generously to the skin. 2. Rinse with warm water and pat dry with a towel. Store in airtight container for up to six months.
  • 1 cup granulated sugar
  • 1 cup brown sugar
  • 1/4 cup coconut oil
  • 1/4 cup almond oil
  • 3 T cocoa powder
  • 4 drops peppermint essential oil or 1 teaspoon peppermint extract
  • Optional: 1 teaspoon Vitamin E oil
DIY Chocolate Mint Sugar Scrub
  1. In a large bowl, add both sugars and the cocoa powder.
  2. Mix in the coconut oil and almond oil. Stir until well combined.
  3. Add the peppermint essential oil and Vitamin E oil (optional). Mix well.
  4. Transfer to an airtight container.
1.  In a large bowl, add both sugars and the cocoa powder.
DIY Chocolate Mint Sugar Scrub2.  Mix in the coconut oil and almond oil. Stir until well combined.
3.  Add the peppermint essential oil and Vitamin E oil (optional). Mix well.
How to Use:
1.  Wet body and apply scrub generously to the skin.
2.  Rinse with warm water and pat dry with a towel.

DIY Blueberry Lemon Body Scrub

DIY Blueberry Lemon Body Scrub

DIY Blueberry Lemon Body ScrubIngredients:

  1. ? cup coconut oil
  2. 1 cup white sugar
  3. 1 tablespoon or so of freeze dried blueberries (freeze dried over fresh will give you nice color, a powder that will easily break down instead of blueberry pieces that might not wash away or down the drain well and will not need refrigeration. But fresh is certainly an option if you have them on hand and will be enjoying this right away).
  4. A few drops of lemon essential oil optional 1 small drop of blue food coloring


  1. Start by breaking down the freeze dried blueberries. You can do this by smashing them with your fingers or using the food processor. Once you have that part taken care of, add the sugar, coconut oil, essential oil and option food coloring. Mix until well combined. If using the food coloring, you may need to pay a little extra attention to make sure the color is evening mixed in.
  2. Optional, if you have fresh lemon, you could zest 1 small lemon onto a tray or oven safe dish and then dry it by placing it in the oven at 350 degrees for a few minutes. You?ll know it?s ready when you start to smell a robust lemon scent coming from the oven. Stay close, this only takes a few minutes. Its certainly an extra step but would be so pretty mixed in with the blue! Like using fresh blueberries, you could certainly use fresh lemon zest if you plan to use this within a week or so, you might just want to keep it refrigerated if you go fresh.
  3. Store in an airtight container and take a little extra care when using as the coconut oil will make surfaces seem slicker. I typically apply a scrub like this as the last thing I do in the shower, then rinse off and pat dry with a towel to leave as much of the coconut oil on as it is very moisturizing for your skin.

How To Get Rid Of Chest Congestion Fast || Health Care Solutions

One of the many unpleasant cold symptoms, chest congestion can make breathing a Herculean task. It is a common companion of major cold and flu symptoms like a runny nose, coughing and sneezing. The natural remedies listed here can help you to safely get rid of chest congestion fast and easily at home.

How To Get Rid Of Chest Congestion Fast || Health Care Solutions

Causes and Symptoms of Chest Congestion

  • Chest congestion is a symptom rather than a disease in itself and is chiefly caused by viral, bacterial and fungal infections. Common colds, the flu, bronchitis, pneumonia, and tuberculosis are some of the conditions that may bring on chest congestion.
  • Severe chest congestion may interfere with the heart?s ability to effectively pump blood throughout the body, causing congestive heart failure.
  • Chest congestion can be described as an accumulation of fluids and mucus in the lungs. It is marked by difficulty breathing, pain, discomfort, coughing and wheezing. A cough may be dry or mucus-expelling, depending on the condition.

Prevention of Chest Congestion

  • Smoking should be avoided, especially if you?re already suffering from the flu. Tobacco smoke can act as an irritant and cause dysfunction in normal mucus production.
  • If you?re suffering from the flu and have a mild cough, avoid chilled beverages and iced drinks until you?re back in good shape. Also, avoid oily foods as they promote mucus production in the chest lining.
Also Read 10 Signs And Solution For Thyroid Problem,

How to Get Rid of Chest Congestion

Popping pills right off the bat is not the right way to treat common respiratory ailments, including chest congestion. In such cases, the drugs usually do more harm than good by disrupting the body?s normal recovery process.
On the other hand, natural remedies work with the body and not against it to achieve a full recovery.
The natural remedies listed below will help you get rid of your chest congestion and breathe easy.

Method 1: Use a DIY Decongestant

This DIY decongestant has all the right ingredients to help ease symptoms and promote healing.
Due to the probiotics present in apple cider vinegar, it can help beat your congestion at its root by targeting the infection itself. Lemon juice will provide your body with vitamin C, which can help neutralize the effects of the pathogens in your body.
Cayenne pepper can help clear your sinuses and thin out the mucus. Ginger will boost your immune system and prevent mucus buildup. The purpose of honey in the recipe is not just to improve taste. Honey has bactericidal properties to treat the infection and will also relieve the soreness in your throat.
Things you?ll need:

  • Raw, unfiltered apple cider vinegar (ACV) (targets the infection) ? ? cup
  • Lemon juice, freshly squeezed (helps neutralize the effects of bacteria) ? ? cup
  • Raw honey (treats the infection) ? 3 tablespoons
  • Ginger powder (prevents mucus buildup) ? ? teaspoon
  • Cayenne pepper powder (helps clear sinuses) ? ? teaspoon

Step 1. Simmer lemon juice and ACV in a pan

  • Pour ? cup of freshly squeezed lemon juice into a pan.
  • Pour in ? cup of raw, unfiltered ACV as well.
  • Place the pan over heat and bring the mixture to a boil.
  • Turn the heat down and let it simmer for about 2 minutes.

Step 2. Stir in cayenne and ginger powder along with honey

  • Take the pan off the heat.
  • Add ? teaspoon each of cayenne pepper and ginger powder to it.
  • Pour in 3 tablespoons of raw honey.
  • Mix the ingredients thoroughly.

Step 3. Store and use the decongestant daily to clear chest congestion

  • Pour the mixture into a container.
  • Shake well before each use to get the most out of the remedy, as the powders in the recipe tend to settle.
  • Take 1 to 2 tablespoons of the mixture daily to relieve chest congestion.
Repeat the remedy until the congestion clears.

Method 2: Use Onion

Onion is one of the oldest natural remedies used to get rid of chest congestion. Sulfur and quercetin present in onions are responsible for the stinging and the waterworks that get going when you get near a fresh-cut onion. They can also be of immense help to facilitate decongestion when you?re struggling to breathe.
Things you?ll need:

  • Onion, peeled and quartered (relieves chest congestion) ? 1
  • Clean towel

Step 1. Cut and heat an onion

  • Peel an onion and cut it into 4 parts.
  • Heat the cut onion in the microwave for 2 minutes.

Step 2. Make a poultice

  • Remove the hot onion pieces from the microwave and put them into a small towel.
  • Bundle up the towel to make a poultice.

Step 3. Place the warm onion poultice on your chest or back

  • Test the temperature of the poultice so that it?s bearable.
  • Place the onion poultice on the bare skin of your chest or back. Keep it there for 30 minutes at a time.
  • For best results, cover the poultice with a warm compress.
Do this daily until the chest congestion is gone.

Method 3: Use Steam with Essential Oils

The best way to break up congestion is to steam it out with essential oils. Steam carries the essential oil vapors through the nasal cavity to the area gripped with congestion. The antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory properties of essential oils make them effective against the infection that?s causing the congestion.
Eucalyptus and peppermint essential oils are the most appropriate choices when it comes to decongestion, as both are effective in clearing out the nasal passages. Eucalyptus oil is considered an excellent expectorant. Not only does peppermint oil soothe and calm the body, it also has analgesic properties.
Things you?ll need:

  • Water ? 2 cups
  • Eucalyptus essential oil (clears nasal passage) ? 5 to 10 drops
  • Peppermint essential oil (soothes and calms your body)? 5 to 10 drops

Step 1. Boil the water and pour it into a bowl

  • Pour 2 cups of water into a pan and bring it to a boil.
  • Pour the steaming hot water into a bowl.

Step 2. Add in the essential oils

  • Put 5 to 10 drops each of eucalyptus and peppermint essential oils into the bowl of steaming water.

Step 3. Steam out the congestion

  • Cover your head with a towel, making a sort of tent to trap the steam.
  • Bend over the bowl to breathe in the vapors of the essential oils. As your nasal passages start opening, breathe in as slow and deep as you can.
Repeat 2 or 3 times daily until the congestion goes away.

Method 4: Use a Vapor Rub

# Vicks Vapor Rub

Vicks Vapor Rub is a common household name and is considered a cure-all for a majority of cold-related ailments. Some of the active ingredients in the popular brand formula are eucalyptus oil, turpentine oil, and camphor, all of which are considered very effective decongestants.
When applied to the chest, you can breathe in its vapors. This helps the active ingredients reach into the body easily and work to relieve congestion.

Single-Step Treatment: Apply Vapor Rub on your chest and breathe

  • Take some Vicks Vapor Rub on your fingers and rub it over your chest and throat.
  • Cover the area with a towel or a thick cloth.
Repeat the remedy until you find relief from congestion.
Note: The normal Vicks formulation is not suitable for children under age 2.

# DIY Vapor Rub

If you?re wary of the popular vapor rub brands and don?t trust the ingredients that they might be using, a DIY vapor rub is just what you need. It?s simple to make, easy to use and can be applied to people of all ages without fear of any side effects.

It contains choice essential oils in a skin-friendly base of coconut oil and shea butter. Eucalyptus and peppermint oils, known for their benefits against colds, congestion, and mild fevers, are the main constituents.
Lavender and lemon oils lend more than calming effects to the rub and work as an antihistamine and an immune-booster, respectively. This recipe also contains tea tree oil for added benefits.
All you need to do is gather the ingredients, whip them up, store the resulting vapor rub and use as needed until your chest congestion is treated completely. This gentle formulation can be safely used on children.
Note: Do not apply this DIY vapor rub directly over or under the nose. For infants or small babies, rub a small amount on the bottoms of their feet only and put their socks on.


  • If the DIY homemade decongestant proves too strong for you, reduce the amount of cayenne pepper and ginger powder to half.
  • When stored in a cool and dark environment, the DIY decongestant can keep for a long time.
  • Shea butter can be substituted with cocoa butter in the DIY vapor rub recipe or skip it all together if need be. A simple coconut oil base can be used in a pinch.
  • Add beeswax to the DIY vapor rub to give it a firmer texture.
  • Some other essential oils that can be used to make a DIY vapor rub to get rid of chest congestion include thyme, basil, rosemary, pine, clove, marjoram, and chamomile.


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  2. Aliquam tincidunt mauris eu risus.
  3. Vestibulum auctor dapibus neque.

Sample Text

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Definition List

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